![](https://www.fossier.fr/img/cms/AA-BiscuitsRosesCharlotte-A3 BD.jpg)
•24 Biscuits Roses 25g sugar
•75cl water
•250g strawberries
•250g single cream
•125g fromage blanc cheese
•1 sachet vanilla sugar
•½ tsp liquid vanilla
Mix the water and sugar and bring to the boil. Add the liquid vanilla and leave to cool. Gently dip the non-sugary side of the biscuits in this syrup and line the sides and bottom of an 18cm charlotte tin.
Whip the single cream with the vanilla sugar, and gently fold in the fromage blanc.
Pour half of the cream into the tin, cover with strawberries, then add about 4 syrup-dipped Biscuits Roses on top. Add more cream and pieces of strawberry. Smooth the surface and keep in a cool place for at least 12 hours.
Decorate the charlotte with strawberries.
Serve chilled.